Anyimel who goes by Anyi (pronounce Angie) is 16 years old.
Her birthday is April 26, so she is a Tarus. She goes to a program named SEO. Her favorite color is pink.
She goes to The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology MS/HS 223. She is in 10th grade. In school, her favorite subject is science because its fun and interesting.
Her favorite food is tacos becaause it tastes good. She likes to watch Netflix, particularly Greys Anatomy. When she grows up, she wants to become a neurosurgeon becuase she wants to work with brains.Her favorite fruits are strawberries and blueberries. Her favorite vegetable is lettuce because she likes how it taste with dressing. Anyi favorite fast food resturant is Mcdonals. Her go to order is a snack wrap and a strawberri smoothie with extra whipped cream. If she could describe herself as a color she would say turquoise because she believes that she is bright and calming just like turquise.